miercuri, 23 septembrie 2020

Close an open Microsoft Excel file from Microsoft Access

Let's say you need to delete or replace a certain Microsoft Excel file from a Microsoft Access application. 

Many times Microsoft Access need to report in Microsoft Excel files, so you need to generate them. But once a Microsoft Excel file was generated and even opened, you may loose control on that file. The user can modify it, and let it opened without saving it and after a while the user may need to see a fresh report in that file. So, Microsoft Access need to generate again that certain file, but is not that simple.

First, Microsoft Access need to see if that Excel file is opened.

Then Microsoft Access need to close it, without pending in a title bar blink and a message displayed, asking if you want to save any loaded files. Then it may need to delete it and generate it again with the new data.

All the manuals appeal to API functions. Below is how you may do it without them.

Sub ExcelGenerate()

Dim fso As Object

Dim strLoc As String

'choose the place where to generate the file:

strLoc = Application.CurrentProject.Path

Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

If fso.FileExists(strLoc & "/SomeXLFile.xlsx") Then

   'see ActivateXLFile below

   If ActivateXLFile("SomeXLFile.xlsx") = True Then

      MsgBox "The Excel File is open and cannot be closed!", vbInformation


       fso.DeleteFile strLoc & "/SomeXLFile.xlsx"

       'then generate a new Microsoft Excel file


   End If


    'if the file doesn't exists, then there is no problem to generate it...

End If

End Sub

Public Function ActivateXLFile(DenFile As String) As Boolean

Dim appExcel As Excel.Workbook

ActivateXLFile = False 'it's False by default anyway, but is good to mention

On Error Resume Next

'asume that the file is open and try to activate it

AppActivate DenFile, False

If Err = 0 Then

   'if the file is open and activate, err is zero

   On Error GoTo Exi

   Set appExcel = GetObject(Application.CurrentProject.Path & "/" & DenFile)

   'functional version: Set appExcel = CreateObject(Application.CurrentProject.Path & "/" & DenFile)

   With appExcel

       .Save 'save the file; you don't need any blinking message from Excel, you will replace it, anyway...


   End With


    'if the file isn't open, it cannot be activate and close. Clear the error.


End If

Exit Function


'just to be sure: if there anything happen and the file cannot be closed...

ActivateXLFile = True

End Function

miercuri, 26 februarie 2020

ByVal, ByRef. The real use, beyond the lesson. VBScript

...but is also valid for all members of VB family.

Dim varA, strMsg 

varA = Int(InputBox ("Input the initial value:"))
strMsg ="'varA' initial: " & varA & Chr(13) & Chr(10)

varA = TransAVal(varA) 'varA ia valoarea functiei / varA it takes the function's value
strMsg = strMsg & "'varA' after TransAVal: " & varA & Chr(13) & Chr(10)

varA = TransARef(varA) 'varA ia valoarea functiei / varA it takes the function's value
strMsg = strMsg & "'varA' after TransARef: " & varA & Chr(13) & Chr(10)

ValA varA 'varA isi pastreaza valoarea / varA keeps its value
strMsg = strMsg & "'varA' after ValA: " & varA & Chr(13) & Chr(10)

RefA varA 'varA ia valoarea finala a parametrului din functia RefA / varA it takes the final value of the RefA function parameter
strMsg = strMsg & "'varA' after RefA: " & varA 
WScript.Echo strMsg

Function TransARef(ByRef x)
TransARef = x + 1
End Function

Function TransAVal(ByVal x) 
TransAVal = x + 1
End Function

Sub ValA(ByVal x)
x = x + 1
End Sub

Sub RefA(ByRef x)
x = x + 1
End Sub

ByRef and BvVal have no influence if you return the function to assign it to a value. This is the most common situation.

Extracting from a string. VBA

Something easy for today:
If you have a text string with numbers within (let say you are interested only in those numbers, it's just an example), and you want to pick up those numbers from the text, you need a function to do it.

Option Explicit

'source code: https://code-for-vb.blogspot.com/2020/02/extracting-from-string-vba.html
'please to mention

Function NumbersFromText() As String
Dim i As Integer
Const a = "ancduirg123456ggt789uyq"
Dim b As String
Dim c As String
Dim d As String
Dim e As String

b = a
c = a

'split constant a in characters and find the ASCII code for each:
For i = 1 To Len(a)
    'just for a better understanding:
    Debug.Print Mid(a, i, 1), Asc(Mid(a, i, 1))
    'the Debug window will contain this text:
'    a              97
'    n              110
'    c              99
'    d              100
'    u              117
'    i              105
'    r              114
'    g              103
'    1              49
'    2              50
'    3              51
'    4              52
'    5              53
'    6              54
'    g              103
'    g              103
'    t              116
'    7              55
'    8              56
'    9              57
'    u              117
'    y              121
'    q              113

    'replace every non-digit character with zero / with zero length string:
    If Asc(Mid(a, i, 1)) < 49 Or Asc(Mid(a, i, 1)) > 57 Then
       b = Replace(b, Mid(a, i, 1), "")
       c = Replace(c, Mid(a, i, 1), 0)
    End If
Next i
'now, b is 123456789
c = Trim(Str(Val(c)))
'now, c is 123456000789000

'reverse the string c in d
For i = Len(c) To 1 Step -1
    d = d & Mid(c, i, 1)
Next i
d = Trim(Str(Val(d)))
'now, d is 987000654321

'reverse the string d in e
For i = Len(d) To 1 Step -1
    e = e & Mid(d, i, 1)
Next i

'c could be reused for saving memory:
c = Replace(e, "0", "_")
Debug.Print "Substract only numbers from string '" & a & "' : " & b
Debug.Print "Keep only the numbers interval from string '" & a & "' : " & e & " or " & c

'this is what Immediate window will show:
'Substract only numbers from string 'ancduirg123456ggt789uyq' : 123456789
'Keep only the numbers interval from string 'ancduirg123456ggt789uyq' : 123456000789 or 123456___789

'remain to choose:
NumbersFromText = b
NumbersFromText = c
NumbersFromText = e
End Function

Note that you need to call this function from abroad, so constant "a" should be passed as parameter of the NumbersFromText Function, like this:

Function NumbersFromText(a As String) As String
End Function

luni, 10 februarie 2020

DoCmd.GoToRecord doesn't work on subforms

Presupun că orice programator VBA Access a simțit la un moment dat nevoia unei comenzi de genul DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNext care să acționeze într-un subformular. Dar, nu merge. O comandă de acest tip va genera o eroare ca cea de mai jos:

I suppose that any VBA Access programmer at one point felt the need for a command like DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNext, to work in a subform. But it is not working. An order of this type will generate an error like the one below:

Această eroare apare indiferent de felul în care este apelat subformularul, așa
This error occurs regardless of how the subform is called, this way

DoCmd.GoToRecord acDataForm, "Table2 subform", acNext

sau așa
or that way

DoCmd.GoToRecord acDataForm, Forms!Form1![Table2 subform].Form.Name, acNext

Astfel, trebuie găsită o altă cale.
Să presupunem că avem un formular care conține două subformulare și avem nevoie să scriem într-un subformular și în acealși timp să vedem rezultatul în al doilea subformular. Voi pune mai jos codul și felul în care trebuie construite formularele.

Thus, another way must be found.
Suppose we have a form that contains two subforms and we need to write in a subform and at the same time see the result in the second subform. I will put below the code and the way in which the forms must be build.

Mai întâi, voi construi două tabele Table1 și Table2 astfel:
First, I will build two tables Table1 and Table2 as follows:

Apoi, voi construi un formular Form1 și două subformulare corespondente celor două tabele, Table1 subform și Table2 subform. Acestea vor putea arăta astfel:

Then I will build a Form1 form and two subforms corresponding to the two tables, Table1 subform and Table2 subform. They will look like this:

Sursele datelor pentru Tabel1 subform și Tabel2 subform sunt
SELECT [Table1].[ID], [Table1].[Field1] FROM Table1
SELECT Table2.Table1_ID, Table2.Table1_Field1 FROM Table2

Data sources for Table1 subform and Table2 subform are
SELECT [Table1]. [ID], [Table1]. [Field1] FROM Table1;
SELECT Table2.Table1_ID, Table2.Table1_Field1 FROM Table2;

Ca să fie evitate orice erori de introducere, Table2 subform nu trebuie să permită scrierea. Puteți seta proprietățile controlului care conține subformularul Enabled = No sau Locked = Yes.

In order to avoid any input errors, Table2 should not allow writing. You can set Enabled = No or Locked = Yes for the control properties that contain the subform.

Acum, obiectele bazei de date vor arăta astfel:
Now, the database objects will look like this:

În Module1 voi scrie codul pentru resetarea tabelelor după fiecare încercare:
In Module1 I will write the code to reset the tables after each attempt:

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Sub BackCounter()
With CurrentDb
     .Execute "DELETE FROM Table1"
     .Execute "DELETE FROM Table2"

     .Execute "ALTER TABLE Table1 ALTER COLUMN ID COUNTER (1,1)"
End With
End Sub

În modulul subformularului Table1 subform voi scrie următorul cod, pentru evenimentele Form_AfterInsert, Form_Current și Form_Delete:
In Table1 subform VBA module I will write the following code for Form_AfterInsert, Form_Current and Form_Delete events:

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Private Sub Form_AfterInsert()
With Forms!Form1![Table2 subform].Form
     !Table1_ID = Me!ID
     !Table1_Field1 = Me!Field1
End With
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Current()
'there is an error with OnOpen event, because Table2_subform is not initialized yet
On Error GoTo ErrEx
With Forms!Form1![Table2 subform].Form.Recordset
     .Move Me.Recordset.AbsolutePosition
End With

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Delete(Cancel As Integer)
Forms!Form1![Table2 subform].Form.Recordset.Delete
'after Delete, Table2 was going to the first record
'so, to make sure the both tables are on the same record, put the Table1 on the first record:
End Sub

Rezultatul arată astfel:
The result looks like this:

Când se va introduce rând nou în Tabel1 subform, se va adăuga și în Tabel2 subform. Dacă se va șterge un rând din Tabel1 subform, în Tabel2 subform va fi șters rândul corespunzător.

When a new row is inserted into Table1 subform, it will be added to Table2 subform as well. Deleting a row from Table1 subform will delete the corresponding row in Table2 subform.