MS Access allows multiple values fields, which is not always appropriate. If the tables are not used as it is, there is no advantage for the programmer to having fields with multiple values. All he has to do is normalize the data by atomizing the fields.
De exemplu, avem un tabel unde codificam grupurile de utilizatori.
For example, we have a table where we code the users groups.
Si un tabel cu utilizatori si grupurile din care fac parte. Un utilizator poate face parte din mai multe grupuri.
And a table with users and the groups they belong to. A user may be part of several groups.
Sursa campului GroupID arata astfel:
The source of the GroupID field looks like this:
Pentru atomizare, folositi acest cod:
For atomization, use this code:
'please to mention
Dim rst_1 As Recordset
Dim rst_2 As Recordset
Dim str() As String
Dim aaa As String
Dim i As Integer
CurrentDb.Execute "CREATE TABLE [Users_New] (UserID INTEGER, UserName TEXT(20), GroupID INTEGER)"
Set rst_2 = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("Users_New")
Set rst_1 = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("Users")
aaa = DLookup("GroupID", "Users", "UserID = " & rst_1!UserID)
str = Split(aaa, ", ") 'or str = Split(aaa, "; ") - depends on regional settings
For i = 0 To UBound(str)
rst_2!UserID = rst_1!UserID
rst_2!UserName = rst_1!UserName
rst_2!GroupID = str(i)
Next i
Loop Until rst_1.EOF = True
Set rst_1 = Nothing
Set rst_2 = Nothing
End Sub