La aceasta adresa am gasit o problema interesanta.
Pagina ofera solutii in C++, Java, Python3, C# si PHP. Eu voi oferi o solutie Vizual Basic cu ceva animatie intr-un sheet Excel.
I found an interesting problem at the address above.
The web page offers C++, Java, Python3, C# and PHP solutions. Here I offer a Visual Basic solution with a minimum Excel sheet animation.
Intai, construiti un buton undeva in sheet-ul activ.
Insert a button somewhere into active sheet, first.
Deschideti editorul Visual Basic si construiti un formular ca cel din imaginea de mai jos.
Open the Visual Basic editor and insert a form as in picture below:
Codul se afla in modulul formularului frmZigZag si este urmatorul / The Visual Basic code will follow in frmZigZag form module:
'source code:
'please to mention
Option Explicit
Private Sub cmdCancel_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub cmdOK_Click()
If Me!txtRanduri.Value = 0 Or IsNull(Me!txtRanduri) Or Me!txtRanduri = "" Then
MsgBox "You have to input a rows number.", vbInformation, "Zig Zag"
Exit Sub
End If
If Me!txtColoane.Value = 0 Or IsNull(Me!txtColoane) Or Me!txtColoane = "" Then
MsgBox "You have to input a columns number.", vbInformation, "Zig Zag"
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ZigZag()
Dim nRow As Integer, nCol As Integer
Dim r As Integer, c As Integer, k As Integer
Dim Go As String
Dim objCel As Object, Final As String
nRow = Me!txtRanduri
nCol = Me!txtColoane
For r = 1 To nRow
For c = 1 To nCol
k = k + 1
ActiveSheet.Cells(r, c) = k
Application.Wait Now + TimeValue("0:00:01")
Next c
Next r
Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(nRow, nCol)).EntireColumn.AutoFit
Application.Wait Now + TimeValue("0:00:01")
r = 1
c = 1
Cells(r, c).Select
Set objCel = ActiveCell
objCel.Font.Bold = True
objCel.Font.Color = -16776961
Final = objCel.Value
Application.Wait Now + TimeValue("0:00:01")
Go = "up"
Select Case Go
Case "up"
c = c + 1
r = r - 1
If r < 1 Then
r = 1
Go = "down"
End If
Case "down"
r = r + 1
c = c - 1
If c < 1 Then
c = 1
Go = "up"
End If
End Select
Cells(r, c).Select
objCel.Font.Bold = False
objCel.Font.Color = 0
Set objCel = ActiveCell
objCel.Font.Bold = True
objCel.Font.Color = -16776961
Final = Final & "," & objCel.Value
Application.Wait Now + TimeValue("0:00:01")
If r = nRow And c = nCol Then Exit Do
Select Case Go
Case "up"
If c = nCol Then
c = c + 1
Go = "down"
End If
Case "down"
If r = nRow Then
r = r + 1
Go = "up"
End If
End Select
Loop Until r >= nRow And c >= nCol
Cells(nRow + 2, 1).Select
objCel.Font.Bold = False
objCel.Font.Color = 0
Set objCel = ActiveCell
objCel.Font.Bold = True
objCel.Font.Color = -16776961
objCel.Value = Final
MsgBox "Final!", vbInformation, "Zig Zag"
End Sub
Private Sub lblColoane_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub lblRanduri_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub txtColoane_AfterUpdate()
Me!txtColoane = Int(Abs(Me!txtColoane))
End Sub
Private Sub txtRanduri_AfterUpdate()
Me!txtRanduri = Int(Abs(Me!txtRanduri))
End Sub
'Construiti un modul separat pentru codul care va activa butonul din sheetul activ si legati codul de acest buton / Insert a separate module for the code for button in active sheet and link the code with the button event.
Option Explicit
Sub Button1_Click()
End Sub
'Rularea programului / Running the code:
'Rezultatul / The result:
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