Functia de mai jos simplifica lucrurile. Ea poate fi folosita ca atare. In Excel, va aparea in lista de functii si se vor putea face referinte catre celule. Variabilele declarate la nivel de modul pot fi folosite separat in alte functii sau rutine.
Sometimes we need to know how much time has elapsed between two dates, in terms of days, months and years. Simply subtracting the smaller date from the larger date is not enough: the resulting number is just the number of days. Unfortunately, the way we have structured our time in days, months and years does not make the calculation easy in these terms: the month can be 28, 29, 30 or 31 days; between February 28 and March 31 we have a month and 3 days, and every four years we have a month and 2 days.
The function below simplifies things. It may be used as such. In Excel, it will appear in the list of functions and will be able to make references to cells. The variables declared at the module level can be used separately in other functions or routines.
'please to mention
Option Explicit
Public y As Integer, m As Byte, d As Byte
Public Function TimeSTR(ByRef DataStart As Date, ByRef DataEnd As Date) As String
Dim yearStart As Integer, yearEnd As Integer
Dim monthStart As Byte, monthEnd As Byte
Dim dayStart As Byte, dayEnd As Byte
Dim dayMonthFinal As Byte
Dim inReverse As Boolean, TemporarData As Date
If DataStart = 0 Or DataEnd = 0 Then
TimeSTR = "no begining / ending date"
Exit Function
End If
Select Case DataEnd >= DataStart
Case True
yearStart = Year(DataStart)
yearEnd = Year(DataEnd)
monthStart = Month(DataStart)
monthEnd = Month(DataEnd)
dayStart = Day(DataStart)
dayEnd = Day(DataEnd)
Case False
inReverse = True
TemporarData = DataStart
DataStart = DataEnd
DataEnd = TemporarData
GoTo 10
End Select
'finding leap years and odd or even months
Select Case monthEnd
Case 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12 '31 days
dayMonthFinal = 31
Case 2 'February - see leap years
Select Case yearEnd Mod 4
Case 0
dayMonthFinal = 29
Case Else
dayMonthFinal = 28
End Select
Case 4, 6, 9, 11 '30 days
dayMonthFinal = 30
End Select
Select Case yearStart = yearEnd
Case True 'year
Select Case monthStart = monthEnd
Case True 'month
y = 0
m = 0
d = dayEnd - dayStart
Case False 'month
Select Case dayEnd >= dayStart
Case True 'day
y = 0
m = monthEnd - monthStart
d = dayEnd - dayStart
Case False 'day
y = 0
m = monthEnd - monthStart - 1
d = dayEnd + dayMonthFinal - dayStart
End Select 'day
End Select 'month
Case False 'year
Select Case monthEnd >= monthStart
Case True 'month
Select Case dayEnd >= dayStart
Case True 'day
y = yearEnd - yearStart
m = monthEnd - monthStart
d = dayEnd - dayStart
Case False 'day
Select Case monthStart = monthEnd
Case True 'month
y = yearEnd - yearStart - 1
m = 11 '(12-1)
d = dayEnd + dayMonthFinal - dayStart + 1
Case False 'month
y = yearEnd - yearStart
m = monthEnd - monthStart - 1
d = dayEnd + dayMonthFinal - dayStart
End Select 'month
End Select 'day
Case False 'month
Select Case dayEnd >= dayStart
Case True 'day
y = yearEnd - yearStart - 1
m = 12 - monthStart + monthEnd
d = dayEnd - dayStart
Case False 'day
y = yearEnd - yearStart - 1
m = 12 - monthStart + monthEnd - 1
d = dayEnd + dayMonthFinal - dayStart
End Select 'day
End Select 'month
End Select 'year
TimeSTR = y & " years, " & m & " months, " & d & " days" & IIf(inReverse, " in reverse", "")
End Function
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